Fruits & Vegetables Project for families in financial need

Viktor Vitamientje

Project's country: Netherlands

Project type: Global Health

Brief description


Although the Netherlands belong to the richest countries in the world, poverty as a consequence of debts, is a growing problem. In world port city Rotterdam, at least 20% of the children are living in poverty. Their parents have such little to spend that they are insufficiently able to buy healthy food. Because fruits and vegetables are relatively expensive, these children don’t get enough vitamins, which is bad for their health, now and in the future. Children from poor families are, for example, twice as likely to be extremely overweight because of poor nutrition. WHAT WE DO: Viktor Vitamientje Foundation (VV) weekly provides Rotterdam families with children under 16 who are in serious financial need, of vegetables and fruits. VV helps families for up to 3 years to give them time to get their lives back on track. VV also encourages these families to switch to a healthy eating pattern and to learn their children to eat healthy snacks by giving advice, organising a workshop with a nutritionist and sharing recipes.


Currently, VV helps around 150 families but due to the corona crisis, applications are rising. Therefore, we want to raise funds to be able to offer help to more families. We can do This Healing Hands project proposal with the help of our doTerra wellness advocates & the Healing Hands Foundation doubler. We can help at least 35 more new families for a period of 1 year. HOW WE WORK: VV uses gift cards from supermarkets so the families can buy the fruit/vegetables themselves and send the receipt for checking. Since this method is anonymous, people don’t have to feel ashamed for being poor. IMPACT ON CHILDREN AND PARENTS: -at least 1-year weekly guarantee of fruits and vegetables. -Reduces stress because of more financial room. -Encouragement to switch to a healthy eating pattern. -Better health, being ill less often. -Losing Weight.

Budget and Timeline

Vegetables & fruits supply for 35 families, weekly, 1 year: €650 per family = €22.750 Postal charges for sending giftcards to fam. every 6 wks: €700 Total: : €23.450 -> USD (rounded number) 27,600

Description Amount:

  • Fruit & vegetables 35 families, 1 year $26770

  • Postal charges (stamps/envelops) $830


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