Hearing and Beyond in Vietnam

Project's country: Vietnam 

Project type: Supporting Children

Brief description

In Hoi An, a city of 100,000 plus people, in Vietnam, there is simply no education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. Because of their physical disability, it is, wrongly, assumed there is also a cognitive impairment. Hearing and Beyond is proving this to be wrong. Operating since 2008, Hearing and Beyond continue to educate young Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. The school is a registered Not For Profit - registered with the governments in Australia and Vietnam. Operating on a shoestring budget this School is showing amazing results and transforming the lives of children who would otherwise remain socially isolated, and uneducated and would continue a life of poverty. Their lives have been forever changed. With education, and the skills necessary to move into the hearing world, these students have made sustainable changes not just in their lives but also in the lives of their future children.

Purpose of funds

Provision of hearing aids, skills training and educational tools for students ie books, hearing aids, computers etc to maintain the current high standard of education offered to an impoverished group

Itemized costing:

  • Description Amount

  • Computers x 2 $500

  • Hearing aids $1000

  • Government Curriculum Text Books $480

  • Hearing aids $1000

  • Hearing aids $1000

  • Hearing aids $1000

  • Hearing aids $1000

  • Hearing aids $1000

  • Hearing aids $1000

  • Hearing aids $1000


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